Putting E-Waste Back to Work

E-waste has been an underlying issue for years but here at Alliance Transport Technologies, we are determined to help our environmental impact by putting the E-Waste back to work.

What is E-waste?

E-waste is anything that is electrical or electronic equipment that has been discarded. For operators, this could be any form of an electronic unit on their vehicles ranging from an ECU’s through to a gear selector unit.

Many operators will deem these as waste and throw them into a skip within the depot or even in general waste. This can be very dangerous due to the toxic chemicals within the unit but also very costly for them to be disposed of correctly. 

How does this affect me?

This will affect operators in various ways. At this moment in time, there is an international shortage of electronic units and micro-processing chips across the electronics industry. This has seen operators struggle to get their vehicles back on the roads for months at a time awaiting new units from the original equipment manufacturers. 

There is also a significant cost that comes with purchasing these new units. Remanufacturing these units is an alternative that many operators seek to save on the significant costs and vehicle downtimes. 

So, how can you help?

As an operator, you can help reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and look to remanufacture your products. Not only will this have cost-saving benefits to your business this will also see you achieve your business’s Corporate and Social Responsibility goals.

Alliance Transport Technologies has over 27 years of experience in remanufacturing electronic units for the transport sector. We have supported operators and helped them reduce significant operating costs and improve their vehicle uptimes with our comprehensive remanufacturing services and putting the original equipment back to work. 

Visit our website for more information

